The Right Now App enables you to get real time visibility into people count at your locations
Right Now provides a real time count of the number of people within a physical space & how it compares with the historical average.
Measure and monitor the count of people within your buildings
Active count of visitors
Count of devices/people who were spotted in the location during the last 10 minutes
Total count of visitors
Count of visitors that were present during the past ‘X’ hours (X being the threshold defined across individual verticals). For example – this could be 3 hours for Retail and 8 Hours for Workspaces.
Density Trigger
It also allows users to set limits beyond which a trigger is activated. A feature that is becoming increasingly important in the post Covid world.
Associated device count
‘Right Now’ app currently counts only associated devices. Associated Devices: No. of devices associating with network.
Probing & Camera based counts (Coming Soon)
Associated Probing & Camera based counts are coming soon.
Associated + Probing: The above + devices not associated but from whom the network is receiving probing signals (this option is currently being developed)
Cameras: Entrance based cameras + proprietary trip wire computation to distinguish. (This option is currently being trialed)
P.S. : The above process needs to be done only once. It is not repeated for every app. Please ignore if already completed.
Please take a moment to check if you’re able to successfully setup the app. Click on ‘yes’ to indicate it’s working. And on ‘Not yet’ if you need any assistance.
Current Methodology
Implications for verticals
Prerequisites for accuracy of counts