Smart Space
Gathering feedback from employees and visitors goes a long way in ensuring your smart space meets their needs

Smart spaces are indoor environments that leverage advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, productivity and customer experiences. For businesses, creating smart spaces is not just a trend but a strategic imperative that drives competitive advantage and boosts overall performance. Let’s explore the practical steps on how to create a smart space…

How to Create a Smart Space

Creating smart spaces involves a strategic approach and a series of crucial steps. Here’s a roadmap to guide you through the process:

  1. Identify Business Goals:
    • Clearly define the objectives and outcomes you want to achieve through creating the smart space.
    • Understand how smart technologies align with your business strategy and address pain points.
  2. Select the Right Technology and Tools:
    • Conduct thorough research to identify the technologies and tools that best fit your needs.
    • Consider factors such as scalability, compatibility and ease of integration with existing systems.
    • Explore multiple solutions.
  3. Engage with Stakeholders:
    • Gather feedback and insights from stakeholders, such as employees and visitors, to ensure the smart space meets their needs and expectations.
    • Communicate the benefits and value of the smart space to garner support and adoption.
  4. Pilot and Iterate:
    • Start small with a trial or pilot of the smart space in a specific building or floor.
    • Gather data and feedback to assess its effectiveness, identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
    • Scale the implementation gradually, expanding the smart space to all buildings in your portfolio.

How Smart Spaces Can Benefit Your Business

Turning buildings into a smart spaces yields a range of advantages that can help businesses thrive in a dynamic marketplace. The key benefits include…

  1. Increased Efficiency:
    • Optimal utilization of resources, such as space, equipment and energy, which in turn leads to cost savings.
    • Real-time data analytics enables proactive decision-making for resource allocation and space optimization.
    • Automation of routine tasks and processes streamlines operations, reducing time and effort.
  2. Improved Productivity:
    • Smart spaces empower employees with seamless collaboration tools and an optimal working environments.
    • Enhanced connectivity and access to information enable faster and more informed decision-making.
    • A better overall workplace experience results in better productivity. 
  3. Enhanced Customer Experiences:
    • Smart spaces enable personalized digital visitor experiences such as multichannel, contextual messaging.
    • Real-time monitoring and analytics enable businesses to anticipate needs and provide proactive assistance.
    • Advanced technologies, such as location-aware systems and enhanced way-finding improve customers’ navigation within the smart space.
  4. Enhanced Safety and Security:
    • Smart spaces integrate advanced security systems, asset monitoring capabilities and detecting potential threats.
    • Real-time notifications and alerts improve overall safety and prevent theft or loss.
    • Occupancy monitoring and predictive analytics help businesses ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Smart Spaces by Cisco Spaces

The benefits of creating smart spaces for businesses are undeniable. With a Cisco Spaces free trial, you can experience the increased efficiency, improved productivity, enhanced customer experiences and safety that a smart space has to offer. Start transforming your buildings into smart spaces today!

To explore the world of smart spaces further, visit Cisco Spaces at