Cisco Spaces team. Always around.

Gartner Customers’ Choice distinction 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023
Cisco Spaces is the highest ranked indoor location and IoT services platform reviewed by customers on Gartner Peer Insights, three years in a row.
To utilize the services of Cisco Technical Assistance Center your subscription requires a support SKU. You can add this to your existing subscription for $0 charge.
Have trouble accessing Cisco Spaces or need assistance?
We’re here to help! Please reach out to us using this link.
If you need guidance on raising a support case, check out the steps here.
For accounts with active Cisco Spaces subscriptions, our support team is available at the following TAC numbers (US only):
+1 800 553-2447
+1 408 526-7209
For more information, see this link.
If you’re using a trial Cisco Spaces account, you can raise a support ticket by clicking on the “?” icon within your Spaces dashboard.
Cisco Spaces Smart License Deposit
Cisco Licensing will be updating customer Smart Accounts to deposit Smart Licenses for Cisco Spaces for previously fulfilled orders. These Cisco Spaces Smart License updates are for the recent change to add Cisco Spaces Extend to Cisco DNA Advantage Wireless subscriptions, and to add Cisco Spaces on-premises licenses to subscriptions purchased prior to smart licensing availability for on-premises software.
Please more information, visit